330 Smith Street
New Waterford, NS

Tribute Wall
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2 tree(s) planted in memory of Anna McCarthy, New Waterford
Grace white posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 20, 2022
your mother was such an amazing person, kind and generous - RIP Anna Mae
Barbara Trudeau lit a candle
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Danny & Marie, my sincerest condolences to you both and your families. Anna Mae certainly had a kindness about her and always made you feel welcome. Her and uncle Charlie were perfect for each other, very loving and kind.
I believe she is at peace and reunited with Uncle Charlie. May you find peace in your wonderful memories.
Barbara Trudeau (Jessome)
Patricia McLeod posted a condolence
Sunday, January 31, 2021
I am so deeply sorry for your loss.
We sat together, only months ago for Russel(Bombers) Aucoin's funeral at Mt Carmel.
I grew up in the company house on the corner of King and Ellsworth, which the Butlers owned, at one time, many years ago and I now live in Kitty Bauld's house.
Your mother was so good to me, when I first graduated from Nursing School. She gave me many shifts. Perhaps, to be with you on a special occasion. That thought makes me smile.
I was over to the house last year with a shoebox of photos for her to enjoy.
She and my father went through school together.
I am sure, this note, may not mean much to you now, but I am older than you and have lost both my parents, and you may find that knowing your mom had touched so many people, quietly, may be of comfort in later years.
Again, My most deepest condolences,
Patricia McLeod
Babes Buchanan posted a condolence
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Condolences on your loss..Your mother was such a friendly person, so concerned about everyone.
Roberta MacInnis-Edmond posted a condolence
Saturday, January 30, 2021
My condolences to you all. I met Anna Mae a few times in Port Hawkesbury, possibly with Danny while visiting Shorty or my Aunt (Kaye Langley). Shorty always spoke so well of his siblings. You are all in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Roberta MacInnis-Edmond, Port Hawkesbury
Glenn MacEachern lit a candle
Saturday, January 30, 2021

Dan and Marie, we will miss your mom. I have such happy and lasting memories of her. She played a special part in my childhood and I will be ever thankful for my time with your family in Cape Breton .
The MacEachern family’s have Anna Mae in our prayers and thoughts. Be safe and well!
Catherine Matlock posted a condolence
Thursday, January 28, 2021
I was so sorry to hear of anna mae passing. I worked with her many years we shared many happy memories. I would have been there to see her of if possable. She was so proud of you both. and also her grand children. I will pray for you . keep safe and god bless. ....... cathy matlock
Jim MacMaster posted a condolence
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Our deepest sympathies to Danny, Marie, Grandchildren, Sister Catherine and Chris on the passing of Anna Mae, we will always remember her kind and positive manner. We have fond memories of her visits to Inverness and her warmhearted welcome when we went to her home in New Waterford.
The MacMasters Inverness, Jim, Mary, Kay and Jayne
Patti Brennan posted a condolence
Thursday, January 28, 2021
We are so very sorry to hear of Anna's passing. She was much loved and admired by us. We had many fun times filled with laughter. Or deepest condolences. Patti Brennan and family.
Sheldon, Don and Craig planted a tree in memory of Anna McCarthy, New Waterford
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Please accept our most heartfelt sympathies for your loss... Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Kendra Coombes lit a candle
Thursday, January 28, 2021

My deepest condolences to Anna Mae’s family on your loss, my thoughts are with you at this time.
Catherine Madden lit a candle
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Sincere condolences to Dan, Marie, Grandchildren & Sisters... Annie Mae always had a twinkle in her eye... she was a terrific nurse to work with and was wonderfully kind to her patients... a competent worker at the CWL always willing to do more... may she rest in the Lord's Peace... Prayers to the family. Trickie Madden
Sharon, Charles and Joyce Burlock planted a tree in memory of Anna McCarthy, New Waterford
Thursday, January 28, 2021

Anna Mae was a beautiful lady and a wonderful neighbour. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Sharon, Charles and Joyce Burlock Join in honoring their life - plant a memorial tree
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Muriel Blackwood posted a condolence
Thursday, January 28, 2021
Gertie Grant Johnson posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Our deepest condolences to Danny,Marie and all of Annie Mae’s family..Higgins and Grant Family were neighbours and friends for many years..I use to babysit for Annie Mae and Charlie and have very special memories..

Brian Sheppard posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Sad to hear of Anne Mae passing .We worked together on different occasions, she was an excellent and caring nurse.I'm sorry for your loss of a beautiful and caring person. Gertie Sheppard (McCarthy)
Michael Brennan posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
So sorry to hear about Anna Mae's passing. We'll miss her.
Claire Brennan posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
My condolences to you all.
She had the best laugh and we shared many.
Claire, Annie and Olivia
Patsy MacKinnon posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
My sincerest sympathy to her family on the passing of Annie Mae. I enjoyed working with her through my nursing years,and in these last years chatting with her at Sunday mass. She was a terrific nurse.
Patsy MacAulay-MacKinnon
Lorraine Brennan posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Anna Mae was very special to our family, she and Charlie showed their kindness to us in many ways.
Lots of good times and laughs remembered.My condolences to you all.
Jack Chisholm posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
My deepest Sympathy to Danny, Marie, Grandchildren, Sister Catherine, and Chris.
Jack Chisholm. Mabou N.S.
Ian posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Dear Marie and McCarthy Family,
My sincere condolences to you about Anna Mae passing. I have many great memories of gatherings at the house in high school. She was always very kind to us. My thoughts and prayers are with the family during these tough times.
Ian Buchanan
Agnes MacLellan posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
My sincerest condolences to Daniel, Marie and the rest of Annie Mae’s family on their recent loss. I had the privilege of working with Annie Mae for many years at the NWCH. Although we worked hard, we enjoyed many good times. She was a wonderful nurse and a great co-worker. I always enjoyed meeting her in recent years and sharing memories and laughs.
Agnes MacLellan
Rachelle Wearing posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Dan and Barb,
So sorry for your loss. I have come to enjoy the stories Dan has shared, primarily the parts where he reminds you of the huge height difference which always adds to the comedy of the tale!
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Sending love from your work family <3
Debbie Morrison posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Dear Anna Mae's family, I am sorry to hear of Anna Mae's passing. She was so kind and caring to her patients and co-workers. She was always a pleasure to meet and greeted you very warmly, always happy to see you. Such a wonderful person will truly be missed.
Dan and Donna MacRury posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
Dear Sister Catherine and family,
We are so sorry to read that Anna Mae has passed away. She will be remembered by many with fondness and respect.
Thinking of you during this sad time.
Please accept our sincere condolences.
Dan and Donna MacRury
Ann BurlockDgZB3 lit a candle
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

I grew up across the st from Charlie and Annie Mae.My condolences to Danny,Marie and their family .I have great memories of such a wonderful family.God Bless you all...
Grace White posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Dear Marie:
So sorry to read about your Mom's death - she was such a sweet lady and wish we could do more for you and your brother at this
crazy time - will remember you all in my prayers. Hugs
Grace White
Bernardine MacNeil-Campbell Posted Jan 27, 2021 at 12:33 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of Anna Mae. I have known her all my life even though we were not related I always thought of her as family as I was a niece of her late brother-in-law Danny Fraser ('Irene'). My condolences and prayers go out to her family. Rest in peace, Anna Mae.
Bernardine (daughter of Bridie Fraser)
Doug & Pattie-Anne Macleod posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Doug & Pattie- Anne Macleod Sad to hear of Anna Mae’s passing. She and Charlie where the best of friends with ma and da from as far back as I can remember. As my mother would say ( Theresa Dan Joe ) someone that would go to the wall with you , true friends! Always there , the first thru the door with a pan of Charlie’s lasagna. What a cook ! Anna Delivered half the baby’s in NewWaterford I’m sure of it . Queen of the case room for sure and a credit to her profession . You can be rest assured that there is a good game of tarbish on the go somewhere and the tea is just perfect. I can see them now!
Maureen OBrien posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Dear Sr. Tootsie & Family:
We were saddened to read of Anna Mae’s passing.
Please be assured that we will keep you in our thoughts & prayers.
Linda Laffin, Maureen & Aubrey O’Brien
ALEAH ROSE MACNEIL posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Danny,Marie and family,So sorry to read of your loss.Annie Mae was so proud of you both and you certainly came through for her in her time of need.Hugs to you all.
Linda Gazzola posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Dear Dan And Marie ,I first met your mother in 1972 while i was a student nursing assistant at nwch.I loved her right away.She was so kind to all of us and belive me when i say she gave us many a laugh.I was always happy to see her when ever we met and we always went down memory lane with our stories of our work at the hospital.She was a kind and gentle lady who spoke of you often.May all your happy memories of her help you through this sad time.My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Don posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Marie, Dan and Family
We are sorry for your loss. Anna May and Charlie were family friends for as long as we can remember. Your lovely Mother was a kind and caring lady. It was always a pleasure see her and have a chat to catch up on the the latest family news. She was Maureen’s godmother and felt so bad when we lost her last year. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May all your happy family memories bring you comfort during this difficult time.
Donnie and Billy Ellsworth
The family of Anna Mae McCarthy, New Waterford uploaded a photo
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

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