330 Smith Street
New Waterford, NS

Obituary of Elizabeth Ann Cochrane, Port Morien, NS/Ont.
On June 10, 2024, the peaceful passing of Elizabeth Ann Cochrane occurred in Pembroke, Ontario. She was born in Port Morien, Cape Breton on Christmas Day, 1925 and spent most of her life there in the house built by her grandfather, John Kennedy, in 1910. She was the daughter of Michael James Kennedy and Clara Elizabeth Phelan and was named after her two grandmothers, Elizabeth MacAskill Phelan and Elizabeth Woods Kennedy. She received her early education at the old Gowrie School, just a few short steps from her home on Hanway Street. She graduated from St. Ann's High School in Glace Bay and went on to graduate from Mount St. Bernard College/St. F. X. in Antigonish. During this time, she qualified as a Certified Gregg Specialist. She worked for a time at the old Bank of Nova Scotia on Commercial Street in Glace Bay.
Following her marriage to Joseph Cochrane they made their home with her parents. For over forty years she taught Adult Vocational Evening Classes in shorthand and typing, starting at Central School in Glace Bay and then also at Reserve District High School in Reserve Mines. When she retired, the classes had moved to the new High School in Glace Bay. She and Joe welcomed three children into their lives and raised them as they had been raised. St. Mary's Catholic Church, its Sacramental Life and social activities were central to everything, and all other pursuits and times came second. Gratitude for the priest who served was coupled with a deep respect and sincere affection for them as well.
She had learned well from both her parents the lessons of hospitality. There was always room at the table for someone else. The teapot went into service as soon as anyone walked through the unlocked kitchen door. Friends and relatives of her parents, Joe's colleagues from work, childhood friends returning home for vacation and her children's high school and college friends were welcome and fed and given a place to stay for the night (or longer) if they needed it. Among these, Bernadette "Pookie" Mrazek remained a lifelong friend and comfort.
She considered it a privilege to offer hospitality to many women religious, priests and clergy of other denominations. Fr. Michael MacSween, a friend and mentor to four generations of her family, was considered a family member himself.
When her husband Joe died suddenly in July 1979, her life changed. The heartbreak from that loss never really healed and it seemed to put in motion many other changes that were hard to accept. When her son Edmund married Eileen Macdonald, the two girls became close friends. When Joe was born, joy once again returned to her home.
The year 2013, however, brought loss and sorrow with the death of her daughter Clara in April and then her son-in-law, Joe McKeon in May. That pain would find consolation only in her deep faith.
The passing of time saw her become more dependent on her close friends and several of her husband's nieces and nephews. Eventually she spent more and more time with Edmund and Eileen and their children who had moved to Deep River, Ontario. She found a warm welcome there from neighbors and parishioners of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish. Her time in Port Morien became limited to summer and early fall and during this time she enjoyed her special bond with her cousin, Theresa Southwell, and appreciated the help given her by Theresa and Michael (Jeep) and their family.
Declining health and mobility made a move into a nursing facility necessary. She received excellent care at the Miramichi Lodge in Pembroke and daily placed her trust in God and her hope in His abundant love and mercy. On Monday, June 10th, she accepted His gracious invitation to enter eternity. It happened around 6:20 P.M., the usual time when Joe would roll in from work to enjoy supper with her!
Elizabeth is survived by her sons, Rev. Joseph Cochrane of Saint John, N.B. and Edmund Cochrane and his wife Eileen of Deep River, Ont. She leaves behind her grandchildren, Timothy (Melissa) McKeon and Maureen McKeon of Barrie Ontario,
Joseph Cochrane (Erin) of Chatham, Ontario, Eileen Elizabeth Cochrane, and Douglas Cochrane of Deep River. Her precious great grandson, Finnigan McKeon also survives.
She was very close to her brother Leo's children: Michael Kennedy of River Ryan, Patricia (Fred) Cormier of Halifax, John Hugh (Karen) Kennedy of L’ Ardoise, Edward (Charlene) Kennedy of River Ryan, Kevin (Jeanette) Kennedy of New Waterford and their families.
She was predeceased by her father, Michael (1973) and her mother, Clara (1960), twin brothers, Edward and John (1934) and her brother Leo (2009) and his wife, Mary (2016), her daughter Clara (2013) and son-in-law Joe (2013). All her husband’s eleven siblings predeceased her as well as several of their children. This summer she will return to Port Morien where funeral rites and burial will take place and she will await the resurrection on the last day along with so many she has loved and longed to see again.
Eternal rest grant unto her, 0 Lord, and let Perpetual Light shine upon her. May she rest in Peace. May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in Peace. Amen.